You can use this sweet-smelling blend to assist your nervous system while breaking life-draining addictions. The beautiful fragrance helps one's nerves stay calm and supports a person emotionally to remain resolute in the desire to overcome addictive behaviors.*
Children find this blend very relaxing, particularly if they are overstimulated and cannot go to sleep. It has been diffused with good success in schools with children who have ADD and cannot settle down in the afternoons.*
The essential oils in this formula have a direct response on the brain, therefore, it is most effective when inhaled.*
Found enjoyable by children and adults, it helps to cheer, inspire, and strengthen.*
Uplifting but also calming and balancing; helpful to relieve tensions of the mind and body.*
Has anti-depressive properties and is refreshing and uplifting for diffuser use.*
Well-known as a treatment for emotionally related conditions like stress and panic.*
Commonly called Blue Tansy, this is a relaxing relative of chamomile.*
Shown by research to have an aroma that is sedative, stress relieving, and anti-depressive.*