This variety of Eucalyptus, commonly known as the Blue Gum Tree, is a potent respiratory oil of help to and benefit with bacterial infections, colds, flu, sinusitis, bronchitis, asthma, and chronic cough.*
It has strong decongestant action due to a high concentration of 1,8 cineole. It also possesses antibacterial and antiinflammatory abilities, and is of benefit in reducing fever.*
It is highly expectorant, mucolytic, and antiseptic and has been used successfully against bronchitis and bronchial pneumonia.*
Helps naturally loosen mucus in the lungs, nose, and throat to support healthy respiration.*
Shown to be a powerful germ killer effective against certain strains of staph.*
Shown to help reduce aches and pains and soothe tired muscles after strenuous physical activity.*
May be beneficial for pain caused by arthritis, rheumatism, and muscular aches.*