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Just as essential oils can benefit humans both physically and psychologically, they may also benefit animals. Our line of pet care products is an alternative to the many toxic, and less effective, over the counter medications for animals currently available commercially. These natural, safe alternatives bring health and wellness to our beloved animals because pets are family too.
Just as with humans, mammals like dogs, cats, and horses possess an advanced physiological system, the Endocannabinoid System (ECS). Hemp Herbals 4Paws delivers full spectrum hemp derivative for your pets.*
This blend can help an animal let go of fear it's holding, feel more grounded, and able to move beyond a traumatic event to experience life again. This very physically relaxing blend can help restore peace and allow the body-mind to accept healing.*
This blend has gentle but effective essential oils that are known for their positive effect on the respiratory system. Many respiratory illnesses do not respond as well to antibiotics as they may have previously, and your animal may end up with chronic respiratory conditions.*
In many areas, fleas & ticks are a serious problem, and both can transmit diseases that may be a threat not only to your pets, but your human family as well. Tick bites can transmit Lyme Disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever to both animals and humans. Both of these diseases can be serious, or even fatal, to your and your pet's health. This formula is safe and effective when used as directed.*
Carrier oils, also known as message oils, are so named because they "carry" essential oils onto the skin. Carrier oils are used when necessary to dilute essential oils for use on the skin. Grapeseed Oil is the preferred carrier oil for use with pets, children, and during pregnancy. It has several important health benefits, and is a good source of essential fatty acids and vitamin E. *
Just like us, dogs may get itchy skin that can originate from many different causes. No matter the cause, itching is the third most likely reason for pet owners to visit the vet. Relieve your pet's itching with this soothing essential oil blend.*
Pet Wellness is a gentle yet very effective blend of essential oils known to have an affinity for the immune system. It may be helpful for animals under a lot of stress as well as those experiencing immune system concerns.*
Animals that are in pain cannot always tell us of their pain until they become lame or show disability. This blend was formulated for animals experiencing chronic joint pain, arthritis, and hip dysplasia. The oils in this blend provide warmth, which may boost circulation to the area when used in massage. *
*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.